Past Issues

2020: Volume 1, Issue 1

Critical Analysis of Make-Up Formulations for Vitiligo Skins

Letícia M. da Silva, Carla A. P. Moraes*

Laboratório de Pesquisa, Tecnologia em Cosméticos, FATEC Diadema “Luigi Papaiz”, CEP 09931-390 Diadema, SP, Brazil

*Corresponding author: Carla Aparecida Pedriali Moraes, Laboratório de Pesquisa, Tecnologia em Cosméticos, FATEC Diadema “Luigi Papaiz”, CEP 09931-390 Diadema, SP, Brazil, Tel: +55-(011)-4092-2328; E-mail: [email protected]
Received: December 22, 2019
Published: August 07, 2020


Vitiligo is a disease prevalent in one to two percent of the global population. It is characterized by non-pigmented blotches dispersed throughout the skin and can affect individuals of both genders and all age groups. Vitiligo affects only skin appearance; it is a non-transmissible disease and causes no further harm to the skin. There are several methods designed to treat and improve skin appearance; “camouflage” products are widely used to mask skin blotches. These products are of opaque color and are capable of covering a great extension of skin. The aim of this work was to critically analyze market products designed to treat vitiligo, describing and comparing their compositions to the ideal parameters described in scientific literature. Products of similar compositions and same key ingredients albeit with a huge price difference were identified; the price discrepancy is usually justified by the use of unusual active compounds. It is concluded that products aimed at treating vitiligo should be better and further explored in Brazil, evidencing there is market demand for such products. Also, the formulations of such products vary in composition.

Keywords: Vitiligo; Camouflage; Skin; Make-up

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