Author Guidelines

Authors are requested to follow the guidelines provided below before submitting the manuscript. The submitted content should not be published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Cover Letter: It is a mandatory requirement for any type of article that a signed covering letter also be submitted along with the manuscript by the author to whom correspondence is to be addressed, delineating the scope of the submitted article declaring the potential competing interest, acknowledging contributions from the authors and funding agencies.

Title Page: Title page should contain title of the paper in boldface, title case and the corresponding author details should be full name, functional e-mail address, business address, mobile number. Authors should mention their full names.

Manuscript Categories

Original Articles: The results of scientific reports with the original clinical research. The text should not exceed 5000 words including the title page(s), structured abstract, text, references, legends, and tables. Abstracts are limited to 250 words.

Review Articles: A timely, in-depth research of an issue led to a solution. The text is limited to 6000 words including title page(s), abstract, text, references, and tables.

Case Report: The results of a unique case that cannot be explained by known disease or syndrome. The text should not exceed 3000 words including the title page(s), structured abstract, text, references, legends, and tables. Abstracts are limited to 250 words.

Editorials: Opinions of recognized leaders in related specialties. Editorials are generally related to a manuscript of the same issue or viewpoints based on an objective analysis of happenings and conflicting/contrary opinions. Length should not exceed 2400 words with no more than 20 references.

Short Commentaries: Present a point of view of general interest not related to an article in the same issue of Subject. The text is limited to 4000 words including the title page(s), text, references, and tables. Figures are encouraged. Commentaries do not include an abstract.

Letters to the Editor: Related to papers previously published in related subject, or comments on ongoing issues, or feedback on clinical data, case reports. Letters and responses must not exceed 750 words in length and should not have tables or figures. Financial associations or other potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed.

Acknowledgments: This section includes acknowledgment of people, grant details, funds, etc.

Conflict of Interest: Declare if any financial interest or any conflict of interest exists.

References: All references should be cited in the article in consecutive order. List here all the references in numbered order of citation in the text. List all authors if less than six. If more than five authors list the first six followed by “et al.”

1) Journal Reference: Authors names (year) Title of the article. Journal short name volume(issue number):page numbers.
2) Book Reference: Authors names (year) Title of the book.[Edition], Publisher name, city, country, page number.

Figures: Figures should be clear with high resolution and must provide figure legends.

Tables: Give brief titles in the table and provide the full form of all abbreviations used in the table. Mention the table legend clearly below the table.

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